California State Treasurer
The California State Treasurer is responsible for the state's investment and finance. The post has more narrow responsibilities and authority than the California State Controller. Some of the responsibilities include issuing bonds and notes for the state, and trustee, registrar and paying agent for all general obligation bonds and certain revenue bonds investment of temporarily idle state money. The administration of the state's budgets, financial analyses and planning, money allocation, and economic research is under the California Department of Finance.
The state treasurer assumes office by way of election. The term of office is a four-year term but is limited to two terms. Elections for the State Treasurer are held on a four year concurrent basis with the election of the Governor. The current state treasurer is Bill Lockyer.
- As the state’s banker, manages the state’s investments.
- Administers the sale of state bonds and notes and is the investment officer for most state funds.
- Chairs or serves on several commissions, most of which relate to the marketing of bonds.
- Pays out state funds when spent by the Controller and other state agencies.
List of Treasurers
See also
External links
*No treasurer in this state; closest equivalent listed